No. 8

The Sophia Collection

Fit for a luxury affair, the elegant calligraphy on this wedding stationery suite is undeniably romantic. Click on the desired product below to view additional details, pricing, and book your suite.

For your convenience, all stationery can be booked directly on our website. Learn more here.

Letterpress Wedding Invitations

Sophia Letterpress Wedding Invitations

before you begin…

Collect all guest addresses.

This is one of those tasks that can take some time, but it'll help you know how many households you need to mail to for save the dates and invitations. Plus, it makes the stationery process go by so much faster because you already have the information ready.

To help you get started, download my Wedding Guest List Organizer here. (It’s my most-downloaded resource!)

Browse our portfolio of real client weddings…

Feel the velvety-smooth paper in hand, fall in love with traditional printing techniques, and explore ink colors and accessories for your wedding invitation suite with a sample box.